Afrika A-Z
(116 Artikel)

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Index  Seitenende / nach unten  Abkürzungen und Beispiele
Nr.TypInterpret:Titel, Label(Nr), Land, Ej, Infobild p1 p2...Preis
84313CDAfrican Head Charge: presents Bonjo in Africa,Sankofa, EFA(Bonjo 2), UK,  p1 p212,50 Euro
84315CDAfrican Head Charge: Shashamane Land, ON-U(0065), D, 1993,  p1 p212,50 Euro
84200CDAlao,Anafi: Original Fuji and Akpala a Go Go, Voix d'Afrique(014), D,  p1 p27,50 Euro
84116CDBambaraka: Automatic Original, f. Byron Wallen, Sakti Music(SM 0002), D,  p1 p210,00 Euro
92489CDBambaraka: Automatic Original,f. Byron Wallen, Sakti(SM 0002), D, FS-New,  p1 p212,50 Euro
84120CDBambino,Sekouba: Sinikan, Syllart Productions(CDS 8932), EU, 2002,  p1 p210,00 Euro
X813312"Bhundu Boys / African Herb: same, 4Tr., Discafrique Records(DIS 1), UK, 1985,  p1 p27,50 Euro
91763CDBonga: Swinga Swinga, (Angola)FS-New, Piranha(1040), D, 1996,  p1 p210,00 Euro
84121CDBonga Angola: Angola 74, BMG, EU, 1997,  p1 p210,00 Euro
91389CDBumcello: Nude For Love, FS-New, tot Ou tar, F, 2002,  p1 p210,00 Euro
84119CDBushmen of the Kalahari: 17 Tr., Pops Mohamed pres., Melt,  p1 p210,00 Euro
T2967"Clegg,Johnny & Savuka: Scatterlings Of America, EMI(20 1663 7), D, 1987,  p1 p22,50 Euro
X520212"Clegg,Johnny & Savuka: Take my Heart Away+2, EMI(20 2968 6), NL, 1988,  p1 p24,00 Euro
50239CD5"Cologne-Ruanda Project: Song For Ruanda*3, Columbia, A, 1994,  p12,50 Euro
Y4973LPCopeland,Stewart: The Rhythmatist (Pogo-Cover), AM(395 084-1), D, 1985,  p1 p2 p37,50 Euro
Y2441LPDesvarieux,Jacob F/Georges Decimus: Same, G.D. Productions(GD 022), F, 1984,  p1 p2 p37,50 Euro
82168CD5"Dibango,Manu: Abele Dance, Celluloid(CELD 1711), NL, 1992,  p1 p24,00 Euro
905312CDDibango,Manu: B Sides, FS-New, Soul Makos, F, 02,  p1 p212,50 Euro
X8174LPDocteur Limanne: Femme du Monde "Sanza", Parfumerie Beauté(77702), F,  p1 p29,00 Euro
84047CDExtra Golden: Ok-Oyot System, Thrill Jockey, CDN, 2006,  p1 p210,00 Euro
Y5717LPEyuphuro: Mama Mosambiki, vg+/m-, plays well, Real World(RWLP10), D, 1990,  p1 p2 p38,00 Euro
93476CDFadl,Mahmoud: The Drummer of the Nile go South, Piranha(CD-PIR1579), FS-New, 2001,  p1 p210,00 Euro
X6811LPFarafina: Bolomakote, VeraBra(LP 26), D, 1989,  p1 p27,50 Euro
X9547LPFashek,Majek: Prisoner of Conscience, Mango(842616), UK, 1989,  p1 p29,00 Euro
84112CDFeeling Fatal: Police! Ouvrez!, Sono, F,  p1 p26,00 Euro
94136CDFinkel,Sigi+African Heart: African Echoes, FS-New, Edel, A, 2000,  p1 p210,00 Euro
995462CDGalliano,Frederic a.t.African Divas: Same, Digi, FS-New, F Communications, D, 2002,  p1 p27,50 Euro
84176CDGassama & Heilhecker: Wandyah, think progressive(03587-2), D, 1999,  p1 p27,50 Euro
84044CDGrand Kalle & L'African Jazz: Succes Des Annes 50/60 Vol.2, Sonodisc(36582), F,  p1 p27,50 Euro
91702CDGrand Kalle & L'African Jazz: Succes Des Annes 50/60 Vol.2, Sonodisc(36582), F, FS-New,  p1 p211,50 Euro
83123CDHildenbeutel,Ralf / Hommage A Noir: OST by Ralf Schneider, Digi, EyeQ, D, 1995,  p1 p210,00 Euro
X928012"Identity: Fele*2 / Rude Boy*2, FLC, Mango, US, 1989,  p1 p24,00 Euro
84149CDKanté Manfila: n'na niwalé(merci les méres), Popular African Music(pam 402), D, 1994,  p1 p210,00 Euro
Y4760LPKante,Mory: A Paris, 6 Tr., Barclay(829 690-1), F, 1984,  p1 p2 p39,00 Euro
Y6341LPKante,Mory: Akwaba Beach, Barclay(833 119-1), D, 1987,  p1 p2 p35,00 Euro
S90547"Kante,Mory: Mankene / Faden, Barclay(879 490-7), D,Facts, 1990,  p1 p23,00 Euro
Y103912"Kante,Mory: Tama (7:20) *2+1, Barclay(887 7141-1), D, 1988,  p1 p24,00 Euro
V22712"Kante,Mory: Yeke Yeke*2+1 (remix+single), Barclay(887 048-1), D, 1987,  p1 p2 p34,00 Euro
Y7408LPKassav': Grands Succès-Volume 2, G D Productions(GD 1502), F, 1987,  p1 p2 p35,00 Euro
Y2727LPKassav': Vini Pou, Epic(460619 1), UK, 1987,  p1 p2 p36,00 Euro
Y7326LPKassav': Zouk Is The Only Medicine We Have, Greensleeves Rec.(GREL 2001), UK, 1988,  p1 p2 p37,50 Euro
81300CDKeita,Mamady: Djembe Master, FS-New, Follow Me Rec.(FM120CD), F, 2004,  p1 p212,50 Euro
84054CDKeita,Mamani & Marc Minelli: Electro Bamako, Universal, , 2001,  p1 p27,50 Euro
X6480LPKeita,Salif: Soro, Foc, vg+/m-, Island(208 904), D, 1987,  p1 p29,00 Euro
83172CDKhadja Nin: Same, Ariola, D, 1992,  p1 p25,00 Euro
91862CDKreusch,Cornelius Claudio: Sun Music, Digi, FS-New, BlackMudSound(006), , 03,  p1 p210,00 Euro
82057CDKunda,Toure: E'mma Africa '80, FS-New, Celluloid, F, 2002,  p1 p210,00 Euro
90516CDKunda,Toure: Same '81, FS-New, Celluloid, F, 02,  p1 p210,00 Euro
84023CDLadysmith Black Mambazo: Shaka Zulu, WEA, D, 1987,  p1 p26,00 Euro
Y3728LPLadysmith Black Mambazo: Shaka Zulu, WB(925 582-1), D, 1987,  p1 p2 p37,50 Euro
X4431LPLadysmith Black Mambazo: Umthombo Wamanzi, FS-New, Shanachie(43055), US, 1988,  p1 p27,50 Euro
93120CDLadysmith Black Mambazo: Zibuyinhlazane, Celluloid(66831-2), F,  p1 p210,00 Euro
84161CDLaimomo: The Relatives, FonTonFrom Music Pr., D, 1996,  p1 p210,00 Euro
84053CDLema,Ray / Professeur Stefanov: et Les Voix Bulgares de, Buda, F, 1992,  p1 p211,50 Euro
S81197"Makeba,Miriam: African Convention / Chicken, Pläne(88 202), D, 1980,  p1 p23,00 Euro
X4886LPMakeba,Miriam: African Convention,Foc, stoc, Pläne(88201), D, 1980,  p1 p26,00 Euro
X8849LPMakeba,Miriam: Le Monde de, Disques Esperance(ESP 155 563), F,  p1 p27,50 Euro
V1063LPMakeba,Miriam: Pata Pata, Reprise(44 046), D, 1972,  p1 p2 p36,00 Euro
X4183LPMakeba,Miriam: Sangoma, WB(925 673-1), D, 1988,  p1 p27,50 Euro
99784CDMakeba,Miriam: The Guinea Years'75, FS-New, Stern's Africa Classics(STcd3017), D, 2001,  p1 p210,00 Euro
Y5559LPMangwana,Sam: Aladji, Shanachie(64017), US, co, 1989,  p1 p2 p37,50 Euro
Y6312LPMasekela,Hugh: Liberation-The Best Of, Jive(6.26844 AP), D, 1988,  p1 p2 p37,50 Euro
Y474LPMasekela,Hugh: Waiting For The Rain, Jive-Afrika(6.26155 AP), D, 1985,  p1 p26,00 Euro
X9046LPMasekela,Hugh & Kalahari: Tomorrow, WB(254 573-1), D, 1987,  p1 p27,50 Euro
X9326LPMasuka,Dorothy: Pata Pata, Mango(162 539 911-1), US, 1991,  p1 p27,50 Euro
Y139312"Milla,Roger: Sandy *2 / The Sandy Love, Columbia(656 735 6), NL, 1991,  p1 p23,00 Euro
X6073LPMissa Luba / Messe des Savanes: Les Troubadours du Roi Baudouin, Philips(850.071 BY), F,vg-/vg+, 1969,  p1 p2
•Chorale Africaine à 4 Voix.(Hte-Volta) Tambours et de Tam-Tam. Monsieur I'Abbe Robert Wedraogho.
7,50 Euro
97175CDMkhize,Themba: Scenes from SouthAfrica, Digi, Skip(SKP 9073-2), D,FS-New, 2007,  p1 p211,50 Euro
94577CDMotaung,Audrey: The Best Of, Digi, FS-New, EMI(MOU 4260), D, 2000,  p1 p210,00 Euro
82430CDMurray,David: Fo Deuk Revue, Enja(ENJ-9318 2), D, 1997,  p1 p211,50 Euro
84085CDN'Dour,Youssou: Immigres '1988, Stern's Music, D, 2002,  p1 p211,50 Euro
X9256LPNdodemnyama: Free South Africa, m-/vg+, Warlock Records(WAR-067), US, 1990,  p1 p27,50 Euro
84115CDNin,Khadja: Sambolera, Vogue, D, 1996,  p1 p27,50 Euro
99994CDOsibisa: Osee Yee, Digi, FS-New, Golden Stool(GSTOcd002), UK, 2009,  p1 p210,00 Euro
99995CDOsibisa: The Very Best of, Digi, FS-New, Golden Stool(GSTOcd001), UK, 2009,  p1 p210,00 Euro
Y5556LPPure Gold: By the Rivers of Babylon, Shanachie(64018), US, co, 1989,  p1 p2 p37,50 Euro
X4434LPPure Gold: By the Rivers of Babylon, FS-New, Shanachie(64018), US, co, 1989,  p1 p27,50 Euro
93043CDPure Magic: Ilanga Lam, EWM(ewm 4144-2), D, 1994,  p1 p210,00 Euro
81065CDRAS: Rhythmic Altered State, Digi,FS-New, Best Seven Records(SBCD0003), D, 2002,  p1 p210,00 Euro
X5904LPRossy: Nehmt die Kabosy...Madagaskar, Atelier im Bauernhaus(PL 528), D, 1983,  p1 p27,50 Euro
Y5557LPSafari Sound Band: The Best of African Songs, GIC(GR 100.601), D, 1984,  p1 p2 p37,50 Euro
Y2216LPSarafina!: The Music of Liberation, Foc, RCA(RL 89307), D, 1988,  p1 p2 p3 p47,50 Euro
Y5560LPSarafina! - Nbongeni Ngema's: Original Cast Recording, Shanachie(43052), US, co, 1988,  p1 p2 p37,50 Euro
80639CDSimphiwe Dana: Kulture Noir, Digi, FS-New, Skip/Gallo rec.(9098-2), D, 2010,  p1 p210,00 Euro
90483CDSitson,Gino: Song Zin'.,Vocadelic Tales,Medumba, Piranha(1682), D,FS-New, 02,  p1 p26,00 Euro
82460CDSosa,Omar: Ayaguna, Digi - Live Duo Concert, Skip(9034-2), D, 2003,  p1 p27,50 Euro
X9737LPSoul Brothers: Impimpi, FS-New, Soul Brothers(SBH 1007), UK, 1989,  p1 p214,00 Euro
Y206LPStella Rambisai Chiweshe: Chisi (Zimbawe), Piranha(pir 27), D, 1990,  p1 p2 p39,00 Euro
96829CDStimela: Out of the Ashes, Digi, FS-New, Tequila, , 1996,  p1 p212,50 Euro
82765CDSwop: Polyversum, BlackSources o.M, Soulciety, , 1996,  p15,00 Euro
93273CDToure,Ali Farka & Ry Cooder: Talking Timbuktu, World Circuit(WCD 040), UK, 1994,  p1 p212,50 Euro
82818CDV.A.Abstract Afro Lounge: A Nite Grooves Compilation, Nite Grooves, , 1998,  p1 p27,50 Euro
82817CDV.A.Abstract Afro Lounge 2: A Nite Grooves Compilation, co, Nite Grooves, , 1999,  p1 p27,50 Euro
925002CDV.A.African Garden: The World of African Grooves,Digi, Lola's World, , FS-New, 2005,  p1 p210,00 Euro
94323CDV.A.African Masses Cameroun: Messe Bakoko, Douala, Playa Sound, F, FS-New, 1990,  p1 p210,00 Euro
84076CDV.A.African Tribal Music & Dances: Makinge,Baoule..., LaserLight(12 179), D, 1995,  p1 p27,50 Euro
92713CDV.A.Afro Tech: A Global Journey Into Electr Africa, Quango, US,FS-New, 2002,  p1 p210,00 Euro
56087CDV.A.Animals Of Africa: Sounds Of,Jungle,Plain&Bush,12 Tr, Nonesuch, US, 73,  p1 p25,00 Euro
95570CDV.A.Burundi: Music From Heart Of Africa,12 Tr., Nonesuch, US, 1974,  p1 p210,00 Euro
902762CDV.A.Desert Blues: Ambiances du Sahara, Digibook, Network, D, 1995,  p1 p2 p311,50 Euro
96816CDV.A.Frikyiwa Collection 2: 8 Tr.,Digi, co, Cobalt, D, 2000,  p1 p27,50 Euro
93654CDV.A.Master of Percussion 1: Africa, Digi, FS-New, Follow Me, F, 2003,  p1 p212,50 Euro
98878CDV.A.Master of Percussion 2: Africa, Digi, FS-New, Follow Me(FM123CD), F, 2004,  p1 p212,50 Euro
Y5826LPV.A.Missa in Folklore: Same,Sonderauflage Mission Aktuell, Philips(6475 001), D, Foc,  p1 p2 p36,00 Euro
Y57342LPV.A.Music and Rhythm: Drums of Makebuko...Holger Czukay, WEA(K 68 045), D,Foc,21Tr, 1982,  p1 p2 p3 p49,00 Euro
906062CDV.A.Musiques du Maroc: de Tanger au Sahara, Digi, FS-New, Virgin(724384779320), EU, 1999,  p1 p2 p310,00 Euro
84088CDV.A.Palop Africa!: Angola, Cap Verde...11 Tr., Stern's Music(STEW46CD), D, 2001,  p1 p27,50 Euro
94322CDV.A.Pecussions Of Africa: Percussions D'Afrique, FS-New, Playa Sound, F,  p1 p210,00 Euro
84093CDV.A.Popdeurope 2: Afropean-a-licious, Peacelounge, EU, 2004,  p1 p27,50 Euro
82657CDV.A.Re Rooted: Beatz from da ground up, 14 Tr., Fresh Music, RSA, 1998,  p1 p210,00 Euro
84186CDV.A.S.A. Souvenirs: 20 Tr. South African, Teal Rec., RSA, 1993,  p1 p210,00 Euro
84111CDV.A.The Finest African Dreamhouse: 15 Tr.,Digi, Kelle Rec., D, 1999,  p1 p27,50 Euro
84039CDV.A.The Rough Guide: to the Music of Africa,15Tr., World M.N., UK, 1999,  p1 p27,50 Euro
84094CDV.A.Universal Travel Guide 01: Femi Kuti...Fela Kuti, 14Tr., Universal Jazz, EU, 1999,  p1 p27,50 Euro
84155CDVan't Hof Pili-Pili,Jasper & Phikel: Incwadi Yothando, Jaro(JARD 4225-2), D, 2000,  p1 p27,50 Euro
84072CDWilen,Barney: Moshi, vg+/m-, Saravah, F, 1972,  p1 p212,50 Euro

Index  Seitenanfang / nach oben  Abkürzungen und Beispiele


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