Hard'n Heavy A-K
(495 Artikel)

Erstellt: Samstag, 29. März 2025  02:57 h Logo by Petr Gross ©


Index  Seitenende / nach unten  Abkürzungen und Beispiele
Nr.TypInterpret:Titel, Label(Nr), Land, Ej, Infobild p1 p2...Preis
98743CD3: Wake Pig, Metal Blade, US, 2004, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
83520CD311: Grassroots, Capricorn, EU, 1994, p1 p2 6,00 Euro
83517CD3rd Strike: Lost Angel, Hollywood, D, 2002, p1 p2 6,00 Euro
84212CD8th Sin: Sinners Inc., Black Lodge, , 2004, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
80584CD8th Sin: Sinners Inc., 11Tr. Promo,Digi, Black Lodge, , 2004, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
98029CDA 2 Z - The Witch Berkeley: Jaguar - Same, Reborn Classics(RC 1041), , 1993, p1 p2 20,00 Euro
80596CD5"A Live[Divided]: Heart on Fire+2, FS-New, AFM(AFM 316-5), EU, 2010, p1 p2 3,00 Euro
80829CDA Past Unknown: To Those Perishing, FS-New, Red Cord Rec.(RC 026), US, 2011, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
84230CDA Perfect Murder: Strength Through Vengeance,co, Victory, , 2005, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
83530CDA Perfect Murder: Unbroken, FS-New, Victory(VR217), US, co, 2004, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
80136CDA Skylite Drive: Adelphia, Fearless Rec., , 2009, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
80664CDA Traitor Like Judas: Endtimes, Swell Creek(SWCR032), , 2010, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
94387CDA-II-Z: The Witch of Berkeley, Live, FS-New, Majestic Rock, , 2006, p1 10,00 Euro
82834CDAaron,Lee: The Best Of, Attic, D, 1992, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
96778CDAB/CD: The Rock'n'Roll Devil, BMG, D, 1992, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
81208CDAbandon: In Reality We Suffer, FS-New, Code:Breaker(Codex02), UK, 2004, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
83518CDAbominable Iron Sloth: Same, FS-New, Undergroove(UGcd034), UK, 2006, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
83522CDAC/DC: Blow Up Your Video, Atlantic, D, 1988, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
9923617CDAC/DC: Box Set - Lim.Ed,CD Mini,vinyl repl, Warner(7559 62589), D, 2000, p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 190,00 Euro
90768CDAC/DC: Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, FS-New, Epic(510760 2), D, Digi, 2003, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
99062CDAC/DC: Flick On The Switch, remaster, Atlantic, D, 83, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
90769CDAC/DC: For Those About To Rock,Digi,FS-New, Epic(510766 2), D, 03, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
95515CDAC/DC: Powerage, Atlantic, D, 1978, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
98218CDAC/DC: Stiff Upper Lip, Elektra, D, 2000, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
900522CDAC/DC: Stiff Upper Lip+Bonus CD, sp.Lim.Ed, Elektra, D, 2000, p1 p2 12,50 Euro
83519CDAC/DC: Stiff Upper Lip, FS-New, Elektra, D, 2000, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
90771CDAC/DC: The Razors Edge(90),Digi, FS-New, Epic(510771 2), EU, 2003, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
96358CD5"AC/DC: Thunderstruck +3, Atco, D, 1990, p1 p2 4,00 Euro
90772CDAC/DC: Who Made Who,Digi, FS-New, Epic(510 769 2), , 03, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
83521CoverAC/DC: Who Made Who-ONLY front Booklet, Atlantic, D, 1986, p1 p2 2,00 Euro
99159CDAccept: Hungry Years (Digital Remix), Metal Masters(METALCD119), UK, 1987, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
99335CDAcross Five Aprils: Life Underwater, FS-New, Victory(VR412), US, 2008, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
80650CDAdagio: A Band In Upperworld, FS-New, XIIIbisRec(70022640771), Ri, 2010, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
80649CDAdagio: Dominate, FS-New, XIIIbisRec(70022640774), , 2010, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
81234CDAdagio: Sanctus Ignis, Limb(085-41572), , 2001, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
80651CDAdagio: Underworld, FS-New, XIIIbisRec(70022640772), Ri, 2010, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
80812CDAdept: Death Dealers, Digi, FS-New, Panic & Action, , 2011, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
83516CDAerosmith: Big Ones, Geffen, UK, 1994, p1 p2 6,00 Euro
82833CDAerosmith: Done With Mirrors, Geffen(GED 24091), D, 1985, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
96585CD5"Aerosmith: Eat The Rich+3, Geffen(GED21831), UK, 1993, p1 p2 3,00 Euro
82832CDAerosmith: Gems,(remasterSBM), Lim.Ed., Columbia, A, 1993, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
82831CDAerosmith: Get A Grip, Geffen(GED 24444), F, 1993, p1 p2 6,00 Euro
84446CD5"Aerosmith: Jaded*1 , 1Tr.Promo, Columbia(CSK 16464), , 2001, p1 p2 4,00 Euro
97854CDAerosmith: Just Push Play, Columbia, A, 2001, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
903482CDAerosmith: Little South Of Sanity, FS-New, Geffen, EEC, 1998, p1 p2 12,50 Euro
82835CDAerosmith: Nine Lives, 14 Tr., Columbia, A, 1997, p1 p2 6,00 Euro
93271CDAerosmith: Nine Lives, 14 Tr.+ Magnet Sticker, Columbia(COL 485020-5), A, 1997, p1 p2 12,50 Euro
942632CDAerosmith: O, Yeah!-Ultimate Aerosmith Hits, Columbia, A, 2002, p1 p2 11,50 Euro
992783CDAerosmith: Pandora's Box - Box Set, Columbia(469293 2), A, 1991, p1 p2 p3 30,00 Euro
82836CDAerosmith: Pump, Geffen, D, 1989, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
93176CD5"Aerosmith: Sweet Emotion+2, Lim.Ed.,Sticker, Columbia, US, 1994, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
96286CDAgro: Ritual 6, FS-New, Armageddon(AMG 056-2), , 2006, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
80871CD/DVDAll Time Low: MTV Unplugged, Digi, Hopeless, , 2010, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
83523CD/DVDAll Time Low: MTV Unplugged, Digi, FS-New, Hopeless(HR711-2), , 2010, p1 p2 11,50 Euro
99826CDAlliance: Time Heals Nothing, Grapes of Wrath(GOW#13), D, 2004, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
83525CDAlmighty Punchdrunk: Music for them asses, Virusworx Rec(Worx002), D, 2002, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
92835CDAmara: Conspiritualized, FS-New, Dragon Records Ltd.(DR910118A), A, 2002, p1 p2 6,00 Euro
98751CDAmorphis: Eclipse, Digi, Nuclear Blast(NB 1596-0), D, 2006, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
987402CDAmplifier: Same,+EP, Digi, Steamhammer(085-99532), D, 2005, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
93297CDAngel Witch: Angel of Death - Live, FS-New, Mausoleum, D, 2006, p1 p2 12,50 Euro
98745CDAngtoria: God Has A Plan For Us All, Digi, Listenable Rec., EU, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
81014CDAnswer,The: Rise, FS-New, J.Albert & Son(JASCDUK035), UK, 2006, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
95245CD5"Anthrax: Black Lodge*2+2,Lim.Ed.(no.11007), Elektra, D,Sticker, 1993, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
83529CDAnthrax: Sound Of White Noise, Elektra, D, 1993, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
98705CDAnticops: Everybody Bleeds Tonight, Mad Mob Rec.(MM 39), D, 2004, p1 p2 12,50 Euro
83528CDAny Day Now: Millenium, MTM, D, 1999, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
92527CDApocalyptica: Cult,13 Tr. Promo, Digi, Mercury(APO-2000), EU, 2000, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
91711CD/DVDApocalyptica: Reflections\Revisted,Lim.Ed.,Digi, Motor(986 579-4), D, 2003, p1 p2 12,50 Euro
90489CD5"Apocalyptica: Seemann( Nina Hagen )+1,Digi,Facts, Motor, D,Promo, 03, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
940962CDApocalyptica: The Collector's Box, Lim.Ed.+DVD, Motor, , 2003, p1 p2 20,00 Euro
93416CDApostasy: Cell 666, FS-New, Black Mark, , 2004, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
96806CDAppice,Carmine: Guiitar Zeus 2, Polydor(POCP-7251), J, 1997, p1 p2 15,00 Euro
83524CDArcturus: The Sham Mirrors, Ad Astra, D, 2002, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
95201CDArmored Saint: Saints Will Conquer(88), FS-New, Metal Blade(076-101302), D, 1994, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
95862CDArrest: Night Stalker, FS-New, Mausoleum, EU, 2004, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
99340CDAscension of the Watchers: Numinosum, Digi, FS-New, 13th Planet Rec(THP 007), EU, 2008, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
80081CDAsking Alexandria: Stand Up and Scream, Sumerian Records, US, 2009, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
83526CDAstrosoniq: Soundgrenade, Digi, Free Bird Rec.(fre 011), NL, 2003, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
988852CDAtemnot: Same, FS-New, Nix Gut(NG68), , 2005, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
97515CDAthena: Twilight Of Days, Modern Music Rec.(N 0333-2), D, 00, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
90979CDAtrocity: Die Liebe, feat.:Das Ich, Digi, SwanLake(MassCD 069), D, 1995, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
83527CDAudioslave: Same, Epic(510 130 2), EU, 2002, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
80617CDAugust Burns Red: Leveler, 16Tr., Solid State(HOFF128cdb), , 2011, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
806742CDAxxis: 20 Years of, Anniv.Live, FS-New, Phonotraxx(4020796434007), EU, 2011, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
80208CD5"Axxis: Kingdom Of The Night,Promo 4Tr.Digi, EMI(P 518 821), , 1988, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
80078CDBabylon's Burning: Same, Babylon On and On Rec.(BOAO002), , 2009, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
99649CDBackyard Babies: Same, Billion Dollar Baby, EU, 2008, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
80645CDBackyard Babies: Them XX, Digi, FS-New, Versity(BDB003), , 2009, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
98223CDBad Company: Rough Diamonds, remaster, Swan Song, D, 1982, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
83535CDBad Company: Same, Swan Song, D, 1974, p1 p2 6,00 Euro
80393CDBad Company: Same, Digital Remastered, 8Tr., Swan Song(7567-92441-2), D, 1974, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
80891CD5"Bear: Abstractions, 5Tr.EP, FS-New, Let It Burn(LiB049), EU, 2011, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
80082CDBeatallica: Masterful Mystery Tour, FS-New, Oglio, , 2009, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
99516CDBeehoover: Heavy Zooo, Digi, FS-New, Exile of Mainstream Rec.(eom 035), EU, 2008, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
97784CDBehemoth: The Apostasy, Regain Records(RR099), EU, 2007, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
80142CDBeneath The Massacre: Dystopia, FS-New, Prosthetic, US, 2008, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
97494CDBenedictum: Season Of Tragedy, Digi, FS-New, Locomotive, EU, 2007, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
98736CDBenedictum: Uncreation, Locomotive(LM 177), EU, 2006, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
83539CDBeyond the Sixth Seal: Earth and Sphere, FS-New, LifeForce, , 2002, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
83543CDBeyond The Void: Our Somewhere Else, Trans Former Rec, D, 2004, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
92853CDBilly Butcher: Penny Dreadful, FS-New, PhoenixM&M, , 2004, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
90295CDBiohazard: Mata Leao, FS-New, WB, D, 1996, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
82339CDBiohazard: Uncivilization, Digi, Steamhammer, D, 2002, p1 p2 p3 10,00 Euro
92352CDBlack Crowes: Amorica, Digi, American, D, 1994, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
90683CD5"*2Black Crowes: Soul Singing,1Tr./Lickin'1Tr,, V2, Promo, 2001, p1 p2 p3 7,50 Euro
800512CDBlack Heaven: History, Digi, FS-New, Trisol(TRI 353 cd), EU, 2009, p1 p2 12,50 Euro
95680CDBlack Sabbath: Iron Man, 12 Tr., Ariola Express(291 005-200), D, 1992, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
99225CDBlack Sabbath: Live At Last '80, 9 Tr., Castle, EU, 2004, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
90227CD5"Black Sabbath: Psycho Man*2, Promo, Sony(5513), A, 98, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
80707CDBlackened Sky: Secrets of Your Diary, FS-New, Swell Creek(SWCR035), , 2011, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
81279CDBlackmail: Same, remastered, 2 Bonus, FS-New, Mate in Germany(MIG 008), , 2008, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
92860CDBlackmore's Night: Fires At Midnight, Steamhammer(085-72432), D, 2001, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
95981CDBlackmore's Night: The Village Lanterne,Promo, 13 Tr., Steamhammer, , 2006, p1 10,00 Euro
95407CDBlind Fish feat.David Hallyday: 2000 bbf, Scotti Bros.(518 127-2), EU, 1994, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
99244CDBlind Guardian: Imagination From The Other Side, Virgin(840 337 2), NL, 1995, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
83538CDBlood Red Throne: Affiliated with the Suffering,Promo, Hammerheart Records(HHR126), 11Tr., p1 p2 10,00 Euro
95964CDBloodpit: Mental Circus, Digi, FS-New, Merceedees Tuotanto(310.1497.2), EU, 2006, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
96262CDBloodstain: Baptism Of Fire, FS-New, Swell Creek(SWSH 004), , 2007, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
96524CD5"Bon Jovi: Bed Of Roses+3, Mercury(864 875-2), D, 1993, p1 p2 2,50 Euro
83531CDBon Jovi: Bounce, Island, EU, 2002, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
83534CDBon Jovi: Crossroad-The Best Of,15 Tr., PolyGram, D, 1992, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
96810CDBon Jovi: Crush, Promo, Digi, 13 Tr., Mercury(BJADV1), US, 2000, p1 p2 14,00 Euro
83536CDBon Jovi: Crush, white sticker, Mercury(542 562-2), EU, 2000, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
83533CDBon Jovi: Crush, yellow sticker, Mercury(542 562-2), EU, 2000, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
83541CD5"Bon Jovi: It's My Life+3, Mercury(562 754-2), D, 2000, p1 p2 4,00 Euro
97399CDBon Jovi: Keep The Faith, 12 Tr. +Video, Mercury(538 034-2), D, 1992, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
83544CDBon Jovi: Keep The Faith, 13Tr., Mercury(514 197-2), , 1993, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
99014CDBon Jovi: New Jersey, PolyGram(836 345-2), D, 1988, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
99013CDBon Jovi: These Days, 14Tr., Mercury(528 248-2), , 1995, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
968112CDBon Jovi: These Days, 14Tr.+5Tr,sp.Ed., Digi, PolyGram(532 644-2), , 1996, p1 p2 14,00 Euro
99015CDBon Jovi: These Days,remaster,14Tr.+video, Mercury(538 036-2), D, 1995, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
97910CDBon Jovi,Jon: Blaze Of Glory(Young Guns II), Vertigo, D, 1990, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
99402CDBon Jovi,Jon: Destination Anywhere, 13 Tr., Mercury, , 1997, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
81017CDBonfire: Fuel To The Flames, Facts, Ariola, D, 99, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
83542CDBonfire: Point Blank, MSA, D, 1989, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
90125CDRBoston: Corporate America,10Tr.Promo, Epic, p1 3,00 Euro
94138CDBrasi,Luca vs. the Platoon: Same, FS-New, Mad Mob Rec.(MM 41), D, p1 p2 11,50 Euro
83537CDBreak,The: Let It Burn, 6Tr., FS-New, MakeMyDay(MMD010), D, 2003, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
93145CDBrick Bath: Rebuild, FS-New, Crash Music, US, 2003, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
80108CDBroadcast the Nightmare: Twenty Twelve, Sumerian Rec.(SUM-0182), , 2009, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
96170CDBronx Boys 2: Zurück in die Bronx, FS-New, SPV, D, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
81581CDBryan,David: Lunar Eclipse, Bon Jovi, Island(586 754-2), EU, 2000, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
95545CDBuckcherry: 15, 11-7 Recordings, EU, 2006, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
95618CD5"Bullet for My Valentine: Hand Of Blood EP, 5 Tr.Live, Gun Rec.(255), EU, 2006, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
96520CDBullet For My Valentine: The Poison, Digi, Lim.Ed., Gun Rec., EU, 2005, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
95168CDBullet For My Valentine: The Poison, FS-New, Gun Rec., EU, 2005, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
80836CDBunny The Bear -the: If You don't have anything..., Digi, Victory(VR636), US, 2011, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
99300CDBurning Skies: Greed. Filth. Abuse. Corruption, Lifeforce(LFR 079-2), EU, 2008, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
907742CDCaffery,Chris: Faces, Leather Edition,Digi, FS-New, BlackLotus, UK, 04, p1 p2 11,50 Euro
98738CDCandlemass: King Of The Grey Islands, Digi, Nuclear Blast(NB 1818-0), D, 2007, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
83532CDCans: Beyond the Gates, Sanctuary, EU, 2004, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
92422CDCans: Beyond the Gates, FS-New, Sanctuary, EU, 2004, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
80950CDCarnifex: Hell Chose Me, FS-New, Victory(VR540), US, 2010, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
99219CDCathedral: The Carnival Bizarre, Earache(MOSH 130CD), US, 1995, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
95085CDCathedral: The VIIth Coming, FS-New, Dream Catcher(CRIDE 49), UK, 2002, p1 10,00 Euro
80102CDCauldron: Chained to the Nite, Lim.Ed.,FS-New, Earache(MOSH), EU, 2009, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
83551CDChalice: Digital Boulevard,Lim.Ed., Eagle, EC, 2000, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
84422CDChrome Locust: Same, Tee Pee / MIA(1007-2), US, 1999, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
99238CDCinderella: Still Climbing, Mercury, CDN, 1994, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
80933CDCircle II Circle: Consequence of Power, FS-New, AFM(AFM 327-2), EU, 2010, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
81016CDCircle Of Soul: One Man's Poison, Intercord(975.558), D, 1993, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
81015CDClawfinger: Deaf Dumb Blind, WEA, D, 1993, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
83549CDClawfinger: Use Your Brain, WEA, D, 1995, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
98018CDCloven Hoof: The Opening Ritual/Gates of Gehenna, (RC 1048), , 1993, p1 p2 20,00 Euro
98746CDColdseed: Completion Makes The Tragedy,Lim.Ed, Nuclear Blast(NB 1710-2), EU, 2006, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
80541CDCollarbone: The Back of Beyond,Promo,Digi,11Tr., Ranch, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
83545CDColour of Fire: Pearl Necklace, FS-New, Riverman(COF 001), , 2004, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
904512CDCooper,Alice: Billion Dollar Babies,Deluxe Ed.,, Warner, D,Digi, 01, p1 p2 12,50 Euro
97903CDCooper,Alice: Greatest Hits, 12Tr., WB, D, 1974, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
92568CDCooper,Alice: He's Back, BMG, EU, 1997, p1 p2 11,50 Euro
82847CDCooper,Alice: Hey Stoopid, Epic(468416 2), A, 1991, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
96914CDCooper,Alice: Trash, Epic, A, 1989, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
83550CDCooper,Alice by Humanary Stew: A Tribute To, Triage, EC, 1999, p1 p2 6,00 Euro
80614CDCorpus Christie: A Feast for Crows, FS-New, Victory(VR557), , 2010, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
97840CDCorrosion of Conformity,COC: America's Volume Dealer, Sanctuary(MIScd004), UK, 2000, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
80061CDCorvus Corax: Cantus Buranus, Das Orgelwerk, Digi, Pica Music, FS-New, 2008, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
806352CDCorvus Corax: Cantus Buranus, Live i.München,Digi, Pica Music(PM0810-30), FS-New, 2010, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
95401CDCorvus Corax: Gaudia Vite, Live, FS-New, Pica, D, 2003, p1 p2 11,50 Euro
80638CDCorvus Corax: Kaltenberg anno MMX, Digi, FS-New, Pica Music(PM 0710-29), D, 2010, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
801282CDCorvus Corax: Live in Berlin, FS-New, Pica Music, , 2009, p1 p2 12,50 Euro
809402CDCorvus Corax: Live in München, Digi, FS-New, Pica Music(PM0810-31), , 2010, p1 p2 12,50 Euro
90989CD5"Corvus Corax f.Tanzwut: Hymnus Cantica, FS-New, Pica, , 2003, p1 p2 4,00 Euro
83552CDCoverdale & Page: Same, EMI, NL, 1993, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
83546CDCoverdale,David & Whitesnake: Restless Heart, EMI, NL, 1997, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
83547CDCrazy Town: The Gift of Game, Columbia, A, 1999, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
96863CD5"Crush: The Rain*2+2,Promo, EW(PRCD 4972-2), D, 1993, p1 p2 2,50 Euro
95870CDCrystal Ball: Hellvetia, Nuclear Blast, D, 2003, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
98274CDCrystal Eyes: In Silence They March, Shark, D, 2000, p1 p2 12,50 Euro
80150CDCrystallion: Hundred Days, FS-New, Dockyard 2(DY200922), EU, 2009, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
92420CD5"Cultus Ferox: Aufbruch*3+3, FS-New, Konsistenz(JScd 0705), , 2005, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
93435CD5"Cultus Ferox: Flamme des Meeres, 6Tr., FS-New, John Silver(JScd0304), D, 2004, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
80842CDDaniel Lioneye: Vol.2, FS-New, The End Rec.(TE153), , 2010, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
80091CDDanny Diablo f. the Vendetta: When Worlds Collide, FS-New, Swell Creek / SuperHero(SWHS 023), , 2009, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
84214CDDark Illumination: Pathfinder, ZothOmmog(zot217), , 1999, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
80881CD/DVDDarkane: Layers of Live, Listenable Records(POSH), , 2010, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
80943CDDeadlock: Bizarro World, Digi, Lifeforce(8112-2), D, 2011, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
80130CDDeadlock: Manifesto, FS-New, Lifeforce(LFR088), , 2008, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
80403CDDeathstar: Termination Bliss, 13Tr., FS-New, Nucl.Blast(27361 14502), , 2006, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
95667CDDeep Purple: Come Hell Or High Water, RCA, D, 1994, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
96130CDDeep Purple: Deepest Purple-The Very Best, Harvest(CDP 7 46032 2), D, 1980, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
81336CDDeep Purple: Interview CD,(incl 4Tr. fr.Abandon), EMI, 13 Tr.Promo(P 519 973), NL, 1998, p1 p2 15,00 Euro
93358CDDeep Purple: Knocking At Your Back Door-Best Of, Polyd.(511 438-2), FS-New, 1991, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
81322CDDeep Purple: Same(69), Harvest(CDP 7 92409 2), UK, 1989, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
96796CD5"Def Leppard: Breathe A Sigh (3:50),RadioCD!, Mercury(LEPDJ 19), UK, 1996, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
93195CDDef Leppard: Euphoria, Holocover, Lim.Ed., Mercury(546 307-2), EEC, 1999, p1 p2 12,50 Euro
904282CDDef Leppard: Slang, incl.2nd CD - Live Acoustic, Mercury(532 493-2), , 1996, p1 p2 p3 11,50 Euro
80964CD+5"Defeater: Empty Days & Sleepless Nights,Digi, Bridge Nine Rec.(B9R144), FS-New, 2011, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
93409CDDefleshed: Fast Forward, FS-New, Regain Rec.(RR0211-019), , 2003, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
94523CDDeicide: The Stench of Redemption, FS-New, Earache, EU, 2006, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
94524CDDeicide: The Stench of Redemption,FS-New, Earache, EU,BoxSet, 2006, p1 p2 12,50 Euro
80724CDDesign the Skyline: Nevaeh, Victory(VR653), US, 2011, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
83556CDDestillery: Immortal Sun, Iron Glory(IG 1003), D, 1999, p1 p2 6,00 Euro
80677CDDestinity: 11 Reasons to See, FS-New, Lifeforce, , 2010, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
90669CDDestiny: Future Of The Past, FS-New, GNW(PLRCD 011), S, 2004, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
80087CDDestrophy: Same, Victory(VR539), US, 2009, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
992532CDDestruction: Best Of, Steamhammer(084-76482), D, 1992, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
917232CDDickinson,Bruce: Accident Of Birth'97, FS-New, Sanctuary, EU, 2005, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
917222CDDickinson,Bruce: Balls Of Picasso'94, FS-New, Sanctuary, EU, 2005, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
917242CDDickinson,Bruce: Tattooed Millionaire'90, FS-New, Sanctuary, EU, 2005, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
91721CDDickinson,Bruce: The Chemical Wedding '98, FS-New, Sanctuary, EU, 2005, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
80810CDDie Vorboten: Aufschrei, Digi, FS-New, Sonic Attack(SAR003-2), , 2011, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
93433CDDimension Zero: Silent Night Fever, FS-New, Regain, S, 2001, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
97265CD/DVDDimmu Borgir: In Sorte Diaboli, Digi, FS-New, Nucl.Blast, D, 2007, p1 p2 14,00 Euro
90102CDDio: Angry Machines, 10 Tr. Promo, Digi, Steamhamme(085-18292), D, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
835552CDDio: Inferno-The Last In Live, Steamhamme, D, 1998, p1 p2 11,50 Euro
98234CDDio: Intermission, Vertigo(830 078-2), EU, 1986, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
80407CDDisbelief: 66sick, Nucl.Blast(27361 13792), D, 2005, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
99595CDDoc Eisenhauer: Alles Im Lack, RCA(PD 75350), D, 1992, p1 p2 15,00 Euro
96893CDDokken,Don: Up From The Ashes, FS-New, Geffen, D, 1990, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
96073CDDoom Day: Count Your Usless Hours, FS-New, Swell Creek, , 2007, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
81150CDDope Stars Inc.: Criminal Intents/Morning Star, Digi, Trisol(TRI 312), EU, FS-New, 2009, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
977102CDDope Stars Inc.: Neuromance, FS-New, Trisol(TRI 326), EU, 2007, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
80116CD5"Doro: Celebrate*3/Night of the Warlock+1, AFM(233-5), EU, FS-New, 2008, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
92199CDDoro: Classic Diamonds, Digi, FS-New, AFM(085-9), , 2004, p1 p2 12,50 Euro
90766CDDoro: Classic Diamonds, FS-New, AFM, , 2004, p1 p2 11,50 Euro
80036CDDoro: Fear No Evil, Digi, Lim.Ed., FS-New, AFM(AFM 233-9), EU, 2009, p1 p2 11,50 Euro
80750CDDoro: Fear No Evil,Ultimate Coll.Edition, AFM,BoxSet(AFM 313-3), EU,FS-New, 2010, p1 p2 20,00 Euro
90105CDDoro: Fight, 12 Tr.Promo, Steamhammer, D, 2002, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
98003CD5"Doro: Hard Times/Für Immer, Vertigo(876 169-2), D, 1989, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
83797CDDoro: Let Love Rain On Me, AFM, EU, co, 2004, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
83554CDDoro: Machine II Machine, 14Tr., Mercury, D, 1995, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
94981CDDoro: Warrior Soul, Digi, Lim.Ed., AFM Records(107-9), , 2006, p1 p2 12,50 Euro
93429CDDouble Diamond: Stand Up and Fight, Mausoleum, EU, 2004, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
80929CDDr. Acula: Slander, FS-New, Victory(VR613), US, 2011, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
80699CDDraugnim: Horizons Low, FS-New, Spinefarm Rec.(SPI377cd), , 2010, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
95734CDDream Theater: A Change Of Seasons, EW, D, 1995, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
90122CD5"Drivin'n'Cryin: Fly My Courageous,1Tr,Promo,m-/vg+, Isl.(PRCD 6647-2), US, 90, p1 p2 2,50 Euro
96371CDDry Kill Logic: Of Vengeance and Violence, FS-New, Roadrunner, EU, 2006, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
83553CDDyecrest: The Way Of Pain, Sanctuary, UK, 2004, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
97950CDEargasm: Did Nature Agree, Seagull, D, 96, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
81040CDEarth Crisis: 1991-2001 Forever True, FS-New, Victory(VR163), US, 2001, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
97263CD5"Earthquake: My Sharona*4+1,+Sticker, Polydor, D, 96, p1 p2 3,00 Euro
81205CDEichenschild: Das Ende vom Lied, Digi, FS-New, Curzweyhl(354.5026.2), , 2005, p1 p2 12,50 Euro
82343CDEisenpimmel: Liebesglocken grüssen Dich(alteK2), Teenage Rebel Rec., D, 2002, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
807472CDEktomorf: What Doesn't Kill Me,Digi,Festiv.Ed, AMF(AMF250-3), FS-New, 2010, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
99289CDElivagar: Heirs of the Ancient Tales, FS-New, Trollzorn(TZ013), EU, 2008, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
80932CDElvenking: Red Silent Tides, AFM(AFM 319-2), EU, 2010, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
83558CDElvenking: Wyrd, AFM(072-2), , co, 2004, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
92211CDElvira Madigan: Witches, FS-New, BlackLodge(BLOD003), , 2004, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
83557CDEmil Bulls: Angel Delivery Service, Island(548 854-2), EU, 2001, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
80698CDEmmure: Speaker of the Dead, FS-New, Victory(VR604), US, 2011, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
93688CDEnvy: All The Footprints You've Ever Left, RockAction, UK,FS-New, 2004, p1 p2 12,50 Euro
80096CDEurope: Almost Unplugged, 14 Tr., Hell & Back, EU, 2008, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
99997CD/DVDEurope: Almost Unplugged,Live 2008, Digi, Hell & Back(HBDV002), EU, FS-New, 2009, p1 p2 12,50 Euro
96275CDEurope: Secret Society, FS-New, Hell & Back(TT00672), EU, 2006, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
83782CDEvanescence: Fallen, Wind-Up(510879 0), , 2003, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
98876CDEvans,Dave: Sinner, Digi (AC/DC), FS-New, Cultural Minority(CM 003), EU, 2004, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
81237CDEvergrey: Recreation Day, Lim.Ed., InsideOut(IOLMTDcd 117), D, 2003, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
99271CDEveryday Dollars: Before the Supply, FS-New, Swell Creek(SWSH 010), , 2007, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
81605CD/DVDEvocation: Apocalyptic, Digi, FS-New, Cyclone Empire(CYC 065-0), D, 2010, p1 p2 11,50 Euro
80642CDExilia: Naked, Didi, FS-New, MyPlace/Radar, EU, 2010, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
96681CD/DVDExilia: Unleashed, Special Ed., Gun(215), EU, 2005, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
98853CD5"Extreme: Song For Love+2, AM(390 684-2), D, 1991, p1 p2 2,50 Euro
80882CDEyes of a Traitor , The: Breathless, FS-New, Listenable Records(POSH135), , 2010, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
80899CDFacebreaker: Infected, Digi, FS-New, Cyclone Empire(CYC 060-0), D, 2010, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
923802CDFaith No More: Album Of The Year, Lim.Ed., Slash, D, 1997, p1 p2 12,50 Euro
96605CDFaith No More: King For A Day,Fool of..,14Tr., Slash, D, 1995, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
957172CDFates Warning: Awaken The Guardian(86), Metal Blade(CDZORRO39), F, 1992, p1 p2 11,50 Euro
80827CDFear Factory: Mechanize, Lim.Ed.FS-New, AFM(AFM 307-9), , 2011, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
92705CDFidget: Celebrate Another Day, FS-New, Supermusic, EU, 2003, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
90370CDFilter: The Amalgamut, FS-New, Reprise, D, 02, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
80622CDFimbulthier: Rise, FS-New, Trollzorn(TZ027), , 2010, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
80137CDFire, the: Abracadabra, ETW, D, 2009, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
95875CDFoo Fighters: The Color & The Shape, Roswell(8 55832 2), NL, 1997, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
94963CD5"Freaky Fukin Weirdoz & Nina Hagen: Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick*2+2, RCA, D, 1994, p1 4,00 Euro
84414CDFree For Fever: fff-Same, Epic, NL, 1993, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
80697CDFreiwild: Mensch oder Gott, FS-New, Rookies & Kings(RK 009), (2005), 2010, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
80696CDFreiwild: Wo Die Sonne Wieder Lacht, FS-New, Rookies & Kings(RK010), (2003), 2010, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
80654CDFrom Constant Visions: Feast With the Beast, Artist Station Rec.(ASR 049), , 2010, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
98790CD5"Frontline: Another Love, 1 Tr.Promo, Signo/WB, A, 1994, p1 p2 2,50 Euro
97612CDFuneral: From These Wounds, FS-New, Tabu Recording, , 2007, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
95887CDFurze: Utd, Digi, FS-New, Candlelight, EU, 2007, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
99857CDG.O.D. / Garden Of Delight: Tales of Celtica,15 Tr., FS-New, Brokensilence, , 2007, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
987552CDG3 (Satriani / Vai / Petrucci): Live In Tokyo, Epic, A, 2005, p1 p2 12,50 Euro
82338CDGamma Ray: Heading For Tomorrow, Noise(N 0151-2), , 1990, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
92514CDGamma Ray: Majestic, FS-New, Sanctuary, , 2005, p1 p2 11,50 Euro
934272CDGamma Ray: Skeletons In The Closet,Digi, Sanctuary(MISDL023), EU,FS-New, 2003, p1 p2 12,50 Euro
933932CDGamma Ray: Skeletons In The Closet,Promo, Sanctuary, EU, 2003, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
80774CDGeneral Chaos: Calamity Circus, Digi, Cyclone Empire(CYC 073-2), D, 2010, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
81041CD5"German Rock Project: Let Love Conquer The World*3, Polydor(865 120-7), D, 1991, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
80875CDGernotshagen: Weltenbrand, Digi, FS-New, Trollzorn(TZ031), , 2011, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
83563CDGet Animal: Same, Steamhammer, D, 1999, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
80919CDGhost Machinery: Out For Blood, FS-New, Limb(LMP 1008-124), D, 2010, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
95764CDGillan: Toolbox, FS-New, EW(9031-75641-2), D, 1991, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
92279CDGirlschool: Play Dirty, 15Tr,FS-New, Sanctuary, UK, 2004, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
92250CDGirlschool: Screaming Blue Murder,21 Tr,FS-New, Sanctuary, UK, 2004, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
83564CDgxGlassjaw: Worship And Tribute, Warner, D, 2002, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
99233CDGluecifer: Ridin'The Tiger, WhiteJazz(JAZZ 005CD), UK, 1997, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
99223CDGluecifer: Tender Is The Savage, WhiteJazz(JAZZ 029 CD), UK, 2000, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
95955CD/DVDGojira: The Link, Boxed, Listenable Rec., EU, p1 p2 12,50 Euro
84220CDGood Witch Of The South: Nuclear, SwellCreek(SWCR014), EU, 2004, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
96604CDGossard,Stone: Bayleae,Digi, FS-New, Epic, A, 01, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
83559CDGotthard: Same, Ariola, D, 1992, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
93391CDGrabnebelfürsten: Dynastie, FS-New, Ketzer-Records(KCD 028), , 2003, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
924963CDGrave Digger: Das Hörbuch, FS-New, GD, , 2005, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
83562CDGrave Digger: Excalibur,13Tr.,Lim.Ed.,Digi, GUN(184), EU, 1999, p1 p2 12,50 Euro
96414CDGrave Digger: Knights Of The Cross, Digi, 13 Tr., GUN(162), EEC, 1998, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
80840CDGrave Maker: Ghosts Among Men, FS-New, Victory(VR 592), US, 2010, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
80811CDGrave Miasma: Exalted Emanation, Digi, FS-New, (SVRcd03), , 2011, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
83560CDGreed: One of Seven, SwellCreek, , 2003, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
96975CDGreen Jelly: Cereal Killer Soundtrack, Zoo, D, 93, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
99324CDGrief of War: A Mounting Crisis..,. Co, FS-New, Prosthetic, US, 2007, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
83561CDGum: Soul Corrosion, Dragnet, D, 1994, p1 p2 6,00 Euro
90174CDGun Barrel: Battle-Tested, Lim Ed., Limb, D, 2002, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
96959CDGuns N'Roses: Appetite For Destruction, Geffen(24148), D, 1987, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
98842CD5"gxGuns N'Roses: Don't Cry*3, Promo, Digi, Geffen(PRO-CD-4232), US, 1991, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
96910CD5"Guns N'Roses: Sympathy For The Devil+1, Geffen, D, 1994, p1 p2 4,00 Euro
98843CD5"Guns N'Roses: Sympathy For The Devil, Promo,1 Tr., Geffen(PRO-CD-4709), US, 1994, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
95886CD5"Guns N'Roses: The "Civil War" EP, Strictly Lim Ed, Geffen(GFSTD 43), UK, 1993, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
83565CDGuns N'Roses: The Spaghetti Incident?, Geffen, D, 1993, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
90767CDGuns n'Roses - Tribute to...: Uncivil Wars, FS-New, Mausoleum, , 2004, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
99304CDGwydion: Ynys Mön, FS-New, Trollzorn(TZ 011), D, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
83575CDH-BlockX: Fly Eyes, SingSang, EU, 1998, p1 p2 6,00 Euro
83576CDH-BlockX: Time To Move, BMG, D, 1994, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
81470CD5"H-Blockx vs.Dr.Ring-Ding: Ring Of Fire*5, X-Cell Rec, D, 2000, p1 p2 2,50 Euro
80765CDHackneyed: Carnival Cadavre, Digi, FS-New, Lifeforce(LFR), D, 2011, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
93383CDHaemorrhage: Apology for Pathology, FS-New, Morbid Rec.(MR 116), , 2006, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
80802CD/DVDHaggard: And Thou Shalt Trust..the Seer,Digi, Nattvind Rec.(NR005), FS-New, 2011, p1 p2 12,50 Euro
93223CDHalford: Resurrection, Box, Lim.Ed.,+Poster, Sanctuary(MISBX001), UK, 2000, p1 p2 12,50 Euro
81486CDHämatom: Wenn man vom Teufel spricht,Digi, Rookies & Kings(RK 036), FS-New, 2011, p1 p2 6,00 Euro
97448CD5"Hammerfall: Blood Bound*2/The Metal Age,live, Nucl.Blast, D, 2005, p1 p2 2,50 Euro
99218CDHammerfall: Glory To The Brave, Nuclear Blast, D, 1997, p1 p2 11,50 Euro
83574CDHand to Hand: A Perfect Way to Say Goodbye, Lifeforce, , 2005, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
80098CDHand to Hand: Design the End / Follow the Horizon, Lifeforce(LFR 094-2), EU,FS-New, 2009, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
99824CDHate Squad: For the Masses, FS-New, Swell Creek(SWCR 013), , 2004, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
80406CD/DVDHatesphere: Serpent Smiles and Killer Eyes, Steamhammer(98022), D, 2007, p1 p2 11,50 Euro
80961CD/DVDHave Heart: 10.17.09, FS-New, Bridge Nine Rec.(B9R140), , 2010, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
80845CDHaverbrook Disaster: Hopeward Bound, FS-New, Let It Burn Rec.(LiB050), , 2011, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
83567CDHawthorne Heights: The Silence in Black and White, Victory , FS-New, US, co, 2004, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
83578CDHeadcrash: Direction Of Correctness, EW, D, 1994, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
83570CDHeadcrash: Lifeboat, Dragnet, D, 1998, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
99293CDHeartbreak Kid: Life Thrills, FS-New, Swell Creek(SWSH 009), , 2008, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
80733CDHeavenwood: Abyss Masterpiece, FS-New, Listenable Records(POSH146), , 2011, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
83571CDHED (Planet Earth): Broke, Zomba, EU, 2000, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
96068CDHed Planet Earth: Blackout, Zomba, EU, 2003, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
80687CDHelfahrt: Drifa, Trollzorn(TZ025), , 2010, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
99673CDHelfahrt: Wiedergang, FS-New, Trollzorn, , 2008, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
81039CD5"Hellacopters: Hey / Her Strut, Digi, White Jazz(JAZZ010cd), S, 1998, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
95661CDHelloween: The Best-The Rest-The Rare'98, Noise(NO1762), D, 2003, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
952292CDHelloween: Treasure Chest, FS-New, Sanctuary(MISDD015), UK, 2002, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
97835CDHelmet: Betty, Lim Ed. (Yellow Jewel), Interscope, D, 1994, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
97715CDHelstar: Sins of the Past, FS-New, AFM(196-2), EU, 2007, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
94144CDHermano: Live at W2, Suburban, , 2005, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
83573CDHimsa: Courting Tragedy and Disaster, JTTP, D, FS-NEW, 2003, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
80686CDHitman: Overstand, FS-New, Swell Creek(SWSH031), , 2010, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
96287CDHoly Moses: Master of Disaster, FS-New, Armageddon, , 2006, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
83572CDHoly Mother: Toxic Rain, CLM, D, 1998, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
83569CDHorizon: The Sky's The Limit, Massacre, D, 2002, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
83577CDHundred Reasons: _kill_your_own, Sony, , 2006, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
81250CDHyatari: The Light Carriers, FS-New, Code:Breaker(CODEX006), UK, 2005, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
83566CDHyperion: Where Stone Is Unscarred,Promo,Digi, Massacre, D, 1999, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
98737CDIced Earth: Framing Armageddon, Digi, Steamhammer(98182), D, 2007, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
909122CDIced Earth: The Blessed And The Damned-Best Of, Century Media, D, 2004, p1 p2 12,50 Euro
80209CD5"Iced Earth: The Reckoning, Digi, FS-New, Steamhammer(056-74983 CDS), D, 2003, p1 p2 4,00 Euro
80438CDIcepick: Violent Epiphany, Stillborn Rec.(Real 500), , 2006, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
98015CDIcon: Night Of The Crime, Reborn(RC 1013), D, 1994, p1 p2 17,50 Euro
97273CDIcos: Fragments Of Sirens, Digi, Alerta Antifascista((AA47)), EU, 2007, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
83580CDIdlewild: The Remote Part, Parlophone, EU, 2002, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
80730CDIgnis Fatuu: Neue Ufer, FS-New, Trollzorn(TZ032), , 2011, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
83579CDImpious: The Killer, 15Tr. Promo,Digi, Hammerheart Records(HHR 121), Booklet,co, 2003, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
91287CDIncantation: Decimate Christendom, FS-New, Listenable, EU, 2005, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
90889CDIncapacity: Chaos Complete, FS-New, cold rec, EU, 03, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
83582CDInfectious Grooves: The Plague That Makes You, Epic, A, 1991, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
95073CD5"Infernal: Requiem+3,Digi, Hellspawn(HELL005), , 2004, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
93593CDIntegrity: Those Who Fear Tomorrow,Digi, Fractured Transmitter, ,FS-New, 2006, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
83581CDIR8 vs Sexoturica: Same, Digi, ( Jason Newsted ), Chophouse, , 2003, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
99210CDIron Fortress: Same, Hellion(HE 031096), D, 1996, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
99383CDIron Maiden: A Matter of Life and Death, EMI, EU, 2006, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
99385CD/DVDIron Maiden: A Matter of Life and Death+BonusDVD, EMI(0946 372324 2 2), EU, 2006, p1 p2 12,50 Euro
99425CDIron Maiden: A Real Dead One, EMI(7 89248 2), NL, 1993, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
993942CDIron Maiden: A Real Live Dead One, EMI(4 96926 0), EU, 1998, p1 p2 12,50 Euro
99417CDIron Maiden: A Real Live One, EMI, UK, 1993, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
994192CDIron Maiden: Best Of The B'Sides - Maiden Rule, EMI(5 41277 2), EU, 2002, p1 p2 25,00 Euro
99418CDIron Maiden: Brave New World, EMI(TOCP-65418), J, 2000, p1 p2 12,50 Euro
99382CDIron Maiden: Brave New World, EMI, EU, 2000, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
99411CD5"Iron Maiden: Can I Play With Madness,The Evil'88, EMI, UK, 7Tr., 1990, p1 p2 25,00 Euro
99428CDIron Maiden: Dance of Death, EMI, EU, 2003, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
99416CDgameIron Maiden: Ed Hunter+ PC CD-Rom Game, EMI(5 21143 0), EU, 1999, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
99432CDIron Maiden: Edward the Great-The Greatest Hits, EMI(5 43103 2), EU, 2002, p1 p2 12,50 Euro
99391CDIron Maiden: Fear Of The Dark, EMI, NL, 1992, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
99393CDIron Maiden: Fear Of The Dark, MultiMedia, EMI(7243 4 96925 03), EU, 1998, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
99429CDIron Maiden: Flight of Icarus, EP, EMI(CDIRN 5), UK, 1990, p1 p2 12,50 Euro
96797CD5"Iron Maiden: Holy Smoke+2, EMI(CDEM 153), UK, 1990, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
99409CDIron Maiden: In Profile, 31 Tr., EMI(8 57582 2), UK, 1997, p1 p2 20,00 Euro
99401CDIron Maiden: Killers'81, MultiMedia, EMI(4 96917), D, 1998, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
993992CDIron Maiden: Live After Death'85+CD5"MultiMedia, EMI(7243 496921 07), EU, 1998, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
993952CDIron Maiden: Live At Donington 1992, EMI(7243 496929 09), UK, 1998, p1 p2 12,50 Euro
99426CDIron Maiden: New York Palladium, Golden Stars/On The Road(GSCD 1082), EEC, 1990, p1 p2 20,00 Euro
99435CDIron Maiden: No Prayer For The Dying, EMI(CDP 79 5142 2), UK, 1990, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
99423CDIron Maiden: No Prayer For The Dying'90, EMI(4 96865 0), EU, 1998, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
99384CDIron Maiden: Piece Of Mind, EMI(CDP 7 46363 2), UK, 1983, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
99400CDIron Maiden: Piece Of Mind'83, MultiMedia, EMI(4 96919 02), NL, 1998, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
99407CDIron Maiden: Purgatory81, 7 Tr EP, EMI(CDIRN 3), UK, 1990, p1 p2 12,50 Euro
99414CD5"Iron Maiden: Rainmaker +2, Iron Maiden Holdings, EU, 2003, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
994222CDIron Maiden: Rock In Rio, EMI(5 38643 0), EU, 2002, p1 p2 12,50 Euro
99413CDIron Maiden: Run To The Hills'82, 5 Tr.EP, EMI(CDIRN 4), UK, 1990, p1 p2 12,50 Euro
99430CDIron Maiden: Running Free / Run To The Hills,EP, EMI(CDIRN 7), UK,7Tr., 1990, p1 p2 12,50 Euro
99424CDIron Maiden: Same(80), EMI(4 96916 0), D, 1998, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
99436CDIron Maiden: Seventh Son Of A Sevens Son, EMI(CDP 7 90258 2), EU, 1988, p1 p2 p3 10,00 Euro
99397CDIron Maiden: Seventh Son Of A Sevens Son, EMI(96864 0), EU, 1998, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
99396CDIron Maiden: Somewhere In Time'86, EMI(7243 496924 04), EU, 1998, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
99412CDIron Maiden: The Clairvoyant-Infinit..'89,EP,7Tr, EMI(CDP 79 4004 2), UK, 1990, p1 p2 12,50 Euro
99431CDIron Maiden: The Greendiness, Golden Stars/On the Road(WPCD 1126), EEC, 1991, p1 p2 15,00 Euro
99433CDIron Maiden: The Number Of The Beast, EMI(4 96918), EU, 1998, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
99381CDIron Maiden: The Number Of The Beast, EMI(CDP 7 46364-2), UK, 1988, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
99405CD5"Iron Maiden: The Wicker Man+2+video, EMI(724388865609), EU, 2000, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
99415CDIron Maiden: The X Factor, EMI, UK, 1995, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
99398CDIron Maiden: Virtual XI, CMC Rec.(06076 86240-2), US, 1998, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
99404CDIron Maiden: Virtual, XI, EMI, EU, 1998, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
99406CDgxIron Maiden: Virtual, XI-LimEd. Holo, EMI, EU, 1998, p1 p2 14,00 Euro
99410CDIron Maiden: Wasted Years,Stranger In...86,7TrEP, EMI(CDIRN 8), UK, 1990, p1 p2 12,50 Euro
99403CD5"Iron Maiden: Wildest Dreams+2, Lim.Ed., IronMaidenHolding(07243 552931 2), EU, 2003, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
84304CDIron Maiden: Women In Uniform, 6Tr. EP, EMI(CDIRN 2), UK, 1990, p1 p2 15,00 Euro
90021CDIron Savior: Condition Red, Limited!, Box,Poster, Noise(N03619), , 02, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
80644CDIvenberg: Wunden, Digi, FS-New, Trollzorn(TZ033), EU, 2011, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
80761CDIzegrim: Code of Consequences, FS-New, Listenable Records(POSH145), EU, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
80854CD/DVDJ.B.O.: 2000 Jahre J.B.O.,15Tr., Digi, Megapress(MP0104-0017), FS-New, 2010, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
80949CDJ.B.O.: 2000 Jahre J.B.O.,15Tr., Digi, Megapress(MP0101-0015), FS-New, 2010, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
80731CDJ.B.O.: Happy Metal Thunder, Digi, FS-New, Megapress(MP0101-0016), EU, 2011, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
99310CDJ.B.O.: Head Bang Boing, Digi, FS-New, Megapress, EU, 2007, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
80015CDJ.B.O.: I don't like metal,I love it !,Digi, Megapress(MP0101-0009), EU, FS-New, 2009, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
99654CDJerx: Pissed Off Best of, FS-New, Maintheme(MT 032), , 2008, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
80079CDJerx: See U Soon, FS-New, Main Theme Rec(MT058), , 2009, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
809562CDJett,Joan & Blackhearts: Greatest Hits, Digi, FS-New, Blackheart Rec.(48337 53702), , 2010, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
80839CDJettblack: Get Your Hands Dirty, Spinefarm Rec.(SPI396), , 2010, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
99823CDJigsore Terror: World End Carnage, FS-New, Listenable Rec.(POSH 062), EU, 2005, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
81038CDJingo De Lunch: Underdog, Vertigo, D, 1990, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
94105CDJohnny Truant: In the Library of Horrific Events, Undergroove, , 2005, p1 p2 11,50 Euro
98246CDJones,John Paul: Zooma, FS-New, J.P.Jones(DGM9909), , 99, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
94926CDJorn: Out to Every Nation, FS-New, AFM(075-2), , 2004, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
83588CDJud: The Perfect Life, Digi, FS-New, Vielklang, D, 2001, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
97145CDJudas Priest: Angel Of Retribution, Sony(519300 2), EU, 2004, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
98552CDJudas Priest: Breaking The Law, Columbia(493430 9), EU, 2001, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
80552CD5"Judas Priest: Night Crawler+2,LimEd.00679-Picture, Columbia(659097 2), , 1990, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
944622CDJudas Priest: Rocka Rolla / Sad Wings of Destiny, Diesel and Glory(DG001), , 1987, p1 p2 11,50 Euro
80844CDJuvaliant: Inhuman Nature, FS-New, Limb(LMP1005-123), D, 2010, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
97323CDK.D.A.: Jesusatan, Institute of Art(RTD 397.0033.2), D, 97, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
82195CDKarmakanic: Entering t.Spectra,10Tr.Promo,Digi, Regain, , 2002, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
80967CDKatana: Heads Will Roll, FS-New, Listenable Records(POSH150), , 2011, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
98744CDKatatonia: The Great Cold Distance, vg+/m-, Peaceville(CDVILEF 128), UK, 2006, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
931502CDKick: New Horizon, FS-New, Majestic Rock(MAJcd026), UK, 2004, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
931492CDKick: New Horizon, Lim.Ed.Digi, FS-New, Majestic Rock(MAJcdSP026), UK, 2004, p1 p2 11,50 Euro
83584CDKickdown: Kawoom, FS-New, mg-music, , 2004, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
99621CDKid Poetry: A Way Back Home, FS-New, Swell Creek(SWSH 015), , 2008, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
82907CDKid Rock: Cocky, Lava, EU, 01, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
98845CD5"Kingdom Come: Janine+1, Viceroy(33 021-408), D, 1995, p1 p2 2,50 Euro
98846CD5"Kingdon Come: Little Wild Thing+2, WEA, D, 1993, p1 p2 3,00 Euro
80904CDKingfisher Sky: Skin of the Earth, Digi, Suburban(BURBcd070), , 2010, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
83583CDKiss: Carnival Of Souls, Mercury, , 1997, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
97313CDKISS: Dynasty, Casabl.(832 418-2), D, 1979, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
97319CDKiss: Hotter Than Hell, Casablanca(832 421-2), D, 1974, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
91275CD5"Kiss: I Was Made For Lovin'You*2+2, Mercury(862 607-2), D, 93, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
95039CD5"Kiss: I Was Made For Lovin'You+2, Mercury(574 485-2), D, 1997, p1 7,50 Euro
92210CDgxKiss: Psycho Circus, Holo Cover, Mercury(538 137-2), , 1998, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
95029CDKiss: The Very Best Of, 21 Tr., Island, EU, 2002, p1 p2 11,50 Euro
96795CD5"Kiss: Turn on the night+3, Digi,KIScd9, Phonogram(INT 870 215-1), D, 1988, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
97318CDKiss by Rock'n Rhythm: Kiss the Medley,A Dance Orgasm, Avex Trax(AVCD-11664), J, 1998, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
83585CDgxKJU:: Draw Lines On, Swell Cree, D, 2002, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
83586CDKJU:: The Pieces Fit, Swell Creek, EU, 2003, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
80780CDKneipenterroristen: Das Jüngste Gericht, m-/vg+, FS-New, Rude(027d), , 2011, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
80742CDKneipenterroristen: Wir fahr'n ans Kap, Digi, co², Rude(023), , 2010, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
93419CDKnorkator: Ich Hasse Musik, Digi, FS-New, Sanctuary, EU, 2003, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
81155CD5"Knorkator: Komm wieder her*4+1, Mercury(562 976-2), D, 00, p1 p2 2,50 Euro
83587CDKnorkator: Tribute To Uns Selbst, Mercury, D, 2000, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
93826CD/DVDKnorkator: Zu Alt, Nucl.Blast, , 2005, p1 p2 12,50 Euro
97129CDKorn: Follow The Leader, Immortal, A, 1998, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
97282CD/DVDKorn: Greatest Hits Vol.1, Epic/Immortal(518792 3), EU, 2004, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
97127CDKorn: Issues, Epic, A, 1999, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
97132CDKorn: Life Is Peachy, Epic(485369 6), A, 1996, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
97469CDKorn: Same, Epic, , 1994, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
96969CDKorn: See You On The Other Side, EMI, EU, 2005, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
82348CDKrokus: Stayed Awake All Night-Best Of, Arista, US, 1989, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
80756CDKromlek: Finis Terrae, Digi, FS-New, Trollzorn(TZ030), , 2011, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
99161CDKyuss: And The Circus Leaves Tow, Elektra, D, 1995, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
99242CDKyuss: Blues For The Red Sun, Elektra, D, 1992, p1 p2 10,00 Euro

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