Blues A-Z
(153 Artikel)

Erstellt: Samstag, 29. März 2025  02:57 h Logo by Petr Gross ©


Index  Seitenende / nach unten  Abkürzungen und Beispiele
Nr.TypInterpret:Titel, Label(Nr), Land, Ej, Infobild p1 p2...Preis
83814CDAdams,Johnny: Sings Doc Pomus: the Real Me, Zensor(ZS 119), D, 1991, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
80254CDB.B. and the Blues Shacks: Unique Taste, Digi, Crosscut(ccd 11096), D, 2008, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
99738CDBaker,Kenny & his Half Dozen: Dixie Christmas, FS-New, Pastels, , 1997, p1 p2 3,00 Euro
97557CDBall,Kenny and the Jazzmen: The Very Best Of, Timeless(TTD 598), NL, 1995, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
94882CDBecker,David & Joe Diorio: The Color Of Sound,FS-New, Acoustic Music(319.1262.2), D, 2005, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
98532CDBell Band,Eric: A Blues Night in Dublin, FS-New, Voiceprint(VP247CD), UK, 2002, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
99585CDBlue Note Juniors: Saturday Night Function, FS-New, Pastels, , 1995, p1 p2 4,00 Euro
99593CDBlue Roseland Orchestra: Easy Money, FS-New, Pastels(20.1638), EEC, 1995, p1 p2 4,00 Euro
84450CDBlues Band: Itchy Feet, Ariola(260 697), D, 1981, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
93168CDBlues Band: These Kind Of Blues, FS-New, BGO(BGOcd664), UK, 2005, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
80884CDBlues Masters: Same, f.Mickey Thomas, FS-New, Hypertension(HYP11277), EU, 2011, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
97947CDBocephus King: The Blues Sickness, Blue Rose, D, 00, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
93256CDBrooks,Ronnie Baker: Take Me Witcha, Watchdog(337-02), , 2001, p1 p2 12,50 Euro
81102CD5"Buick 6: Foolin' with this Heart*2+3, Taxim(TX9001-2TM), D, 1997, p1 p2 4,00 Euro
937172CDCanned Heat: Eternal Boogie, FS-New, Musik Avenue, EU, 2004, p1 p2 9,00 Euro
83019CDCarlton,Carl & The Songdogs: Revolution Avenue, Digi, EMI(5 32389 2), EU, 2003, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
84322CDChas & Dave: One Fing 'n' Anuvver,19 Tr., FS-New, Castle(CMRcd779), UK, 2003, p1 p2 12,50 Euro
953822CDClimax Blues Band: 25 Years, Box, Booklet, FS-New, Repertoire(REP 4310-WO), D, 1994, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
95305CDClimax Blues Band: Climax Chicago Blues Band(69), Repertoire(RR 4078-WZ), D FS-New, 1990, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
95304CDClimax Blues Band: Tightly Knit(71), FS-New, Repertoire(RR 4079-WZ), D, 1990, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
80028CDCochran,Stevie: Live at Montreaux, Digi, FS-New, Music Avenue(250250), EU, 2009, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
81335CDCollie,Max & Rhythm Aces: Stomp of, Let's go, FS-New, Pastels(20.1608), D, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
94785CDCorre / Exerjean: Le Group de Six, piano duet, Pierre Verany, F, 1989, p1 p2 11,50 Euro
95763CDDiddley,Bo: A Man Amongst Men, EW(0630-14817-2), D, 1996, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
95694CDDownliners Sect: The Country Sect, Digi, FS-New, Repertoire(REP 5036), D, 2005, p1 p2 9,00 Euro
95699CDDownliners Sect: The Rock Sect's In, Digi, FS-New, Repertoire(REP 5037), D, 2005, p1 p2 9,00 Euro
99699CDDutch Swing College Band: The Joint Is Jumpin'!, Timeless, D, 1995, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
80494CDEmmanuel,Tommy: Endless Road, Digi, Favored Nations(FNA5070-2), , 2004, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
80398CDErickson,Craig: Two Sides Of The Blues, Blues Bureau, , 1995, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
81957CDFirehouse Five plus 2: Crashes a Party!, ZYX(GTJCD-10038-2), D, 2000, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
989903CDFirehouse Five plus 2: Story Vol.1-3, Box Set, ZYX(7701-2), D, 1990, p1 p2 p3 17,50 Euro
99589CDFranc,Rene & Bootleggers: Blues in the Air, FS-New, Pastels(20.1650), EEC, 1995, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
81024CDHamburg Blues Band: Live-On The Edge Of A Knife, FS-New, Handmade(HH 4511), D, 2005, p1 p2 15,00 Euro
83127CDHamburg Blues Band: Rollin', FS-New, Handmade, D, 1999, p1 p2 15,00 Euro
83121CDHank Bullock and the Dean Martins: Blues is a Woman, Gingertone, D, 2005, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
95176CDHank Bullock and the Dean Martins: Blues is a Woman, FS-New, Gingertone, D, 2005, p1 p2 12,50 Euro
95454CDHerrmann,Biber: Rainbow Walker, Digi, FS-New, Wonderland(WR-9043), D, 2007, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
95022CDHines,Earl & J.Rushing: Blues & Things(67), New World Records(80465-2), US, 1996, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
92889CDHooker,Earl: Sweet Black Angel, One Way(22120), US, 1970, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
84344CDHooker,John Lee: Boogie Man, Orbis 1(BLU NC 001), EU, 1994, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
99123CDHooker,John Lee by V.A.: From Clarksdale To Heaven, Eagle(EAGCD228), D, 2002, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
99526CDHope,Lynn / Clifford Scott: Juicy!, Charly(280), , 1997, p1 p2 9,00 Euro
83754CDHowlin Wolf: Moanin' at Midnight, Digi, Blue Label(97552), D, 2006, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
99552CDHutch,Willie: Try It You Ll Like It, Best of, Expansion Record(EXCL 5), UK,FS-New, 2003, p1 p2 9,00 Euro
99319CDJett,Alvin & the Phat Noiz BluesB.: How Long, Digi, FS-New, Blues Boulevard Rec., EU, 2007, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
93022CDJohnny A.: Get Inside, Digi, FS-New, Favored, , 2004, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
92876CDJohnson,Luther "Houserocker": Retrospectives, FS-New, Ichiban(1513-2), US, 1998, p1 p2 6,00 Euro
92274CDJohnson,Robert: Inspiring Eric, FS-New, Smith & Co, , 2004, p1 p2 6,00 Euro
84281CDJohnson,Robert: Red Hot Blues, Orbis 6(BLU GNC 006), EU, 1993, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
99968CDJZ James & the Memphis Turnaround: Same, FS-New, Moon Sound Rec(1315-1514-27), , 2008, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
92887CDKeim,Paul: Cuesta Grade, Taxim(TX 1046-2), D, 1999, p1 p2 9,00 Euro
84338CDKing Oliver: The Best Of, 17 Tr.,, FS-New, TIM(221408-205), EU, 2003, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
992374CDKing,B.B.: King Of The Blues,1949-1991,Box Set, MCA D4(10677), US, p1 p2 p3 p4 20,00 Euro
99750CDKirkland,Eddie: Some Like It Raw, Live, Gee-Dee(270108-2), D, 1995, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
84283CDLane,Ernest: The Blues is Back, Acoustic Music, D, 2004, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
97126CDLee,Albert & Hogan's Heroes: Tear It Up, Heroic, , 2002, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
80637CDLister,Aynsley: Tower Sessions, Digi, FS-New, Manhaton Rec.(HATMAN 2025), , 2010, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
92907CDLynn,Trudy: Retrospectives, FS-New, Ichiban(ICH 1515-2), US, 1998, p1 p2 6,00 Euro
99590CDLyttelton,Humphrey and his Band: Georgia Mae, FS-New, Pastels(20.1623), EEC, 1995, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
92836CDManx,Harry: Wise And Otherwise, FS-New, Northernblues Music(NBM0008), US, 2001, p1 p2 6,00 Euro
97794CDMärkisches Jazzkränzchen Iserlohn: Up To Dixieland, MJI(94122C), D, 1994, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
99591CDMason Band,Rod: High Society, FS-New, Pastels(20.1653), EEC, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
99592CDMason,Rod / Ian Wheeler Band: The Entertainer, FS-New, Pastels(20.1620), EEC, 1995, p1 p2 4,00 Euro
97569CDMayall,John: Blues From Laurel Canyon(68), Deram(820 539-2), D, 1989, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
97565CDMayall,John: Crusade(67), London(820 537-2), D, 1987, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
84342CDMayall,John: Lost and Gone, 9 Tr., Yeaah!(47), UK, p1 p2 6,00 Euro
97805CDMayall,John: The Blues Alone, Deram(820 535-2), UK, 1967, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
84435CDMayall,John: The Turning Point (Live 1969), Polydor, D, 1987, p1 p2 p3 9,00 Euro
96172CDMayall,John & Bluesbreakers: A Hard Road(67), London(820 474-2), D, 1987, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
97813CDMayall,John & Bluesbreakers: Bare Wires, Rebound(314 520 206-2), US, 1994, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
92877CDMc Cain,Jerry: Retrospectives, FS-New, Ichiban(1516-2), US, 1998, p1 p2 6,00 Euro
815792CDMc Kinney's CottonPickers/Armstrong: Stop Kidding, woc, History(20.3024-HI), p1 p2 5,00 Euro
922842CDMc Phee,Tony & the Groundhogs: High on the Hog, Sanctuary, EU, 2004, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
84437CDMemphis Minnie: Let's Go To Town, m /vg+, Orbis(BLU GNC 054), UK, 1996, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
972132CDMeyer,Peter"Banjo": 40 Years On Stage, Happy Bird, D, 1998, p1 p2 p3 10,00 Euro
99698CDMonty Sunshine's Jazz Band: Just A Closer Walk With Thee, Timeless(TTD 592), NL, 1995, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
99098CDMoore,Gary: Still Got The Blues, Virgin, NL, 1990, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
84349CDMorton,Jelly Roll: The Best Of, FS-New, TIM(221406-205), EU, 2003, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
84274CDMuddy Waters: Mannish Boy, Jazz World(JW 77037), D, 1990, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
94889CDNaßler & Schneider: Plan B, Digi, FS-New, Acoustic Music(319.1356.2), D, 2005, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
99781CDNew Orleans Feetwarmers: Eccentric, Starfish Music(00402-6), D, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
97215CDNew Orleans Rhythm Kings: Vol.1, Jazz Archives No.4(Mono), Village, D, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
93059CDNewland,Rens: Freedom Street Parade, FS-New, Jive, , 2006, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
94076CDPeebles,Ann: Brand New Classics, FS-New, Track Record, UK, 2006, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
84438CDPeterson,Lucky: Lifetime, Gitanes(527 771-2), F, 1995, p1 p2 6,00 Euro
80915CDPeterson,Lucky: You Can Always Turn Around, Dreyfus(FDM46050 369672), , 2010, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
98411CDPittman,Shawn: Something's Gotta Give, Cannonball(CBD 29111), US, co, 1999, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
94560CDPrecious Bryant: Fool Me Good, Digi, FS-New, Terminus, EU, 2002, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
84361CDRedding,Noel: West Work Tuning, 16 Tr., Yeaah!(20), UK, 1998, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
97188CDRobicheaux,Coco: Louisiana Medicine Man,10Tr., Gee-Dee(270141), D, 1997, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
84364CDRobicheaux,Coco: Spiritland, 10 Tr., Gee-Dee(270118-2), D, 1995, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
98242CDSalomon,Willie: Country Blues & More, FS-New, Acoustic Music(319.1344.2), D, 2004, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
99318CDScheips Band,Pete: Back on the Blues Train, Blues Boulevard Rec., EU, 2008, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
84369CDScreamin'Jay Hawkins: Move Me (Funky), Yeaah!(30), UK, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
84280CDSmith,Willie"The Lion": 1944-1949, Classics, F, 2002, p1 p2 6,00 Euro
99702CDSpanier,Muggsy: Jazz Me Blues, FS-New, TIM, CZ, 2001, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
99743CDSpanier,Muggsy: Memphis Blues, FS-New, TIM, CZ, 2002, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
84436CDSteppin Out: Tomorrow Today, Acoustic Music, D, 2003, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
93547CDT And Masson: Smoke My Blues, FS-New, Ausfahrt, A, 2006, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
90649CDThee Shams: Please Yourself, FS-New, Fat Possum(1012-2), UK, 2004, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
95679CDUptown Horns: Revue, 10 Tr., Gee-Dee(270114-2), D, 1995, p1 p2 6,00 Euro
84433CDV.A.American Roots Music: Ricky Skaggs...R.Carlos Nakai,19Tr., Palm(2074-2), US, 2001, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
97893CDV.A.Country Blues: Collectors Item 1928-1933, DA Music(3534-2), D, 1992, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
99051CDV.A.Dixie Party - the Hottest: Doctor Jazz, Pastels(20.1605), EEC, 1995, p1 p2 3,00 Euro
99053CDV.A.Dixie Party - the Hottest: Happy Bird Shuffle, Pastels(20.1603), EEC, 1995, p1 p2 3,00 Euro
99052CDV.A.Dixie Party - the Hottest: Sentimental Journey, Pastels(20.1604), EEC, 1995, p1 p2 3,00 Euro
99050CDV.A.Dixie Party - the Hottest: Tiger Rag, Pastels(20.1606), EEC, 1995, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
99054CDV.A.Dixie Party - the Hottest: What a Wonderful World, Pastels(20.1607), EEC, 1995, p1 p2 3,00 Euro
98989CD*3V.A.Dixieland: Riverboat-Shuffle, CD 1-3, Bella Musica(31.4128-4130), D, p1 p2 p3 p4 7,50 Euro
99834CDV.A.Dixieland Classics: Chris Barber /Max Collie's Aces, efsa Coll., FS-New, 1997, p1 p2 3,00 Euro
9130210CDV.A.Dixieland Jazz: This was the Jazz Age,Box, FS-New, Membran, D, 2005, p1 p2 p3 12,50 Euro
940822CDV.A.Dixiland Express: mit Sir Gusche Band & Peter Petrel, Monopol, , 1993, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
92886CDV.A.Feeling Taxim 2: Paul Keim... Alex Parche Band,18Tr., Taxim(TX 0002-2), D, 1999, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
84273CDV.A.Feeling Taxim 3: Cole Tate Band...Bob Mosley,16 Tr., Taxim(TX 0003-2 TE), , 1999, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
83851CDV.A.Genuine Houserockin'Music: 2, Albert Collins...Robert Cray, Alligator(ALCD102), US, 1987, p1 p2 6,00 Euro
83850CDV.A.Genuine Houserockin'Music: 5, Koko Taylor...Son Seals, 17 Tr., Alligator(ALCD109), D, 1993, p1 p2 6,00 Euro
99588CDV.A.Hot Jazz Meeting: Hamburg Vol.2 (1969), FS-New, Pastels(20.1642), EEC, 1995, p1 p2 3,00 Euro
95525CDV.A.Letter From Memphis: 20 gr.Blues/Rock Tracks, Repertoire(REP 4693-WY), D, 1998, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
84390CDV.A.Light & Breezy: Cool Sound For A Hot Summer,15Tr., Taxim, D, 2000, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
83684CDV.A.Louisiana Music-The Best of: Best Mardi Gras Party Music, Rounder, CDN, 1993, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
84277CDgxV.A.Lounge It: Jumpin'Jack, 15 Tr., Boxed, EMI Plus(724357635424), EU, 2001, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
95733CDV.A.Mojo Working-Best Of ACE Blues: 20 Tr., FS-New, ACE(CDCHK 964), UK, 1995, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
84387CDV.A.Not the Same Old Blues Crap 2: Scott Dunbar...Super Chikan,13 Tr., Fat Possum, , 2001, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
84276CDV.A.Original Blues: Big Joe Williams...Lead Belly, Ryko, , 2003, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
83852CDV.A.Pete Fountain Pres.: The Best Of Dixieland,15 Tr., Verve, EU, 2001, p1 p2 6,00 Euro
96834CDV.A.Rotring Jazz: Chris Reynolds Dixie Seven, Selected Sound(0040), D, 1988, p1 p2 
• New Orleans Footwarmers.
5,00 Euro
84275CDV.A.Rumble & Scratch: Capitol BluesCollection,Digi, Capitol, US,Promo, 1995, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
99724CDV.A.Swinging Hamburg - 50 Jahre: Jazzszene Hamburg - Vol.2, Happy Bird, D, 1999, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
99024CDV.A.The Best of Dixieland: Kid Ory..Humphrey Lyttelton, Verve, D, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
931083CDV.A.The Ultimate Blues Collection: Volume Two, CMA(11002/5/8), D, 1992, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
939614CDV.A.The Ultimate Jazz Archive: 10-Blues, Membran(222766), , 2005, p1 p2 
• Bessie Smith, Ma Rainey, Mississippi John Hurt, Tampa Red.
10,00 Euro
997554CDV.A.The Ultimate Jazz Archive: 17-Boogie Woogie, FS-New, Membran(222773), , 2005, p1 p2 
• Albert Ammons, Meade Lux Lewis, Pete Johnson, Big Band Boogie Woogie.
10,00 Euro
811702CDV.A.White Boys Blues: The Bluesman Play,Box, FS-New, Smith&Co(SCCD 1081), EU, 2003, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
83815CDVaughan,Stevie Ray+D.T.: Couldn't stand the Weather, Epic, A, 1984, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
84278CDVause,Louis: Pianophernalia, Digi, Transcopic Records, UK, 2002, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
84279CDVigarino,Nick: Victims Of Cool, Merrimack(990267), , 1996, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
97432CDVintage Beausoleil: Same, FS-New ( Cajun ), Music o.W.(CDC-213), US, 1995, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
99728CDWalker Jazz Band: Big Band History Vol.2, Pierre Verany(PV785093), F, 1985, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
98667CDWalker,Joe Louis: New Directions, Provogue(PRD 7148 2), , 2004, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
95487CDWalsh Acoustic Quartet,Matt: Under Suspicion, Acoustic Music, D, 2006, p1 p2 9,00 Euro
84434CDWashington,Walter Wolfman: Blue Moon Rising, 4-Tune Records/BMG(874 530 907), D, 1995, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
97210CDWelch,Monster Mike: These Blues Are Mine, Tone-Cool, NL, 1996, p1 p2 6,00 Euro
90941CDWest,David+Dead Strings: Cast YourEyes t.t.Mountain, FS-New, Taxim,Digi, D,Vol.2, 2000, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
94475CDWilliams,Jerry Lynn: Peacemaker, FS-New, Black Mark(1002), D, 1998, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
84391CDWilliams,Jimmy Lee: Hoot Your Belly, Digi, Fat Possum(1009-2), , 2003, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
95970CDWilliamson,Sonny Boy: Vol.2 1940/1942, Blues Collection(158102), UK, 2000, p1 p2 9,00 Euro
83403CDWinter,Edgar: Live at the Galaxy, ClassicP., UK, 2003, p1 p2 7,50 Euro
95418CDWinter,Johnny: Second Winter, Digi, FS-New, Repertoire(REPUK 1090), D, 2007, p1 p2 11,50 Euro
91309CDWinter,Johnny: The Progressive Blues, Repertoire(4866), D, FS-New, 2000, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
80138CDWolfe,Todd & Under The Radar: Borrowed Time, Hypertension(HYP 9266), EU, 2009, p1 p2 10,00 Euro
93138CDWrencher,Big John: Big John's Boogie Plus, FS-New, Sanctuary(CMRcd 649), UK, 2003, p1 p2 9,00 Euro
816072CDYancey,Jimmy / Pete Johnson: Jazz Piano Masters, History/Tim(205325-305), D, p1 p2 5,00 Euro
83427CDZwingenberger,Axel: Boogie Woogie Live, Vagabond(CRCD 8.85007), D, 1985, p1 p2 10,00 Euro

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