Rock Pop S-Z (3/3)
(7/407 Artikel)

Erstellt: Donnerstag, 19. September 2024  03:06 h Logo by Petr Gross ©


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 Interpret:Titel, Label (Nr), Land, Ej - Typ - Order-Nr. - Preis  
Die Preise sind Endpreise incl. MWSt, zzgl. Versandkosten.

1. Young,Paul: I'm Gonna Tear Your Playhouse Down, CBS(A 4792), D, 1984 - 7" - T3643 - 2,50 Euro

 Young,Paul: I'm Gonna Tear Your Playhouse Down, CBS(A 4792), D, 1984 - 7inch - T3643 - 2,50 Euro Young,Paul: I'm Gonna Tear Your Playhouse Down, CBS(A 4792), D, 1984 - 7inch - T3643 - 2,50 Euro

2. Young,Paul: Oh Girl / You're the one, CBS(656 100 7), NL, 1990 - 7" - S9172 - 2,50 Euro

 Young,Paul: Oh Girl / You're the one, CBS(656 100 7), NL, 1990 - 7inch - S9172 - 2,50 Euro Young,Paul: Oh Girl / You're the one, CBS(656 100 7), NL, 1990 - 7inch - S9172 - 2,50 Euro

3. Young,Paul: Wherever I Lay My Hat / Broken Man, CBS, FLC(A 3371), UK, 1983 - 7" - T2193 - 3,00 Euro

 Young,Paul: Wherever I Lay My Hat / Broken Man, CBS, FLC(A 3371), UK, 1983 - 7inch - T2193 - 3,00 Euro Young,Paul: Wherever I Lay My Hat / Broken Man, CBS, FLC(A 3371), UK, 1983 - 7inch - T2193 - 3,00 Euro

4. Zadora,Pia: Dance out of my Head, Epic(EPC 652866 7), NL, 1988 - 7" - S9018 - 2,50 Euro

 Zadora,Pia: Dance out of my Head, Epic(EPC 652866 7), NL, 1988 - 7inch - S9018 - 2,50 Euro Zadora,Pia: Dance out of my Head, Epic(EPC 652866 7), NL, 1988 - 7inch - S9018 - 2,50 Euro

5. Zadora,Pia: Let's Dance Together / Real Love, Curb(INT 112.716), D, 1984 - 7" - T3430 - 2,00 Euro

 Zadora,Pia: Let's Dance Together / Real Love, Curb(INT 112.716), D, 1984 - 7inch - T3430 - 2,00 Euro Zadora,Pia: Let's Dance Together / Real Love, Curb(INT 112.716), D, 1984 - 7inch - T3430 - 2,00 Euro

6. Zikato: All t.Little Children/It's only RnR, Day-Glo(DG S4/RTDs24-4), D, 1990 - 7" - S8001 - 3,00 Euro

 Zikato: All t.Little Children/It's only RnR, Day-Glo(DG S4/RTDs24-4), D, 1990 - 7inch - S8001 - 3,00 Euro Zikato: All t.Little Children/It's only RnR, Day-Glo(DG S4/RTDs24-4), D, 1990 - 7inch - S8001 - 3,00 Euro

7. ZouZou: 999 Miles / American Cars, RCA(PB 44 477), D, 1991 - 7" - S9561 - 2,50 Euro

 ZouZou: 999 Miles / American Cars, RCA(PB 44 477), D, 1991 - 7inch - S9561 - 2,50 Euro ZouZou: 999 Miles / American Cars, RCA(PB 44 477), D, 1991 - 7inch - S9561 - 2,50 Euro

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